Just fill in your details below.  We respect your privacy and won't pass on your details to other companies.  After completing the form below, you will then be sent an email asking you to confirm your account.  As soon as you confirm then you will be able to log into your account.


Account and organisation details
Account name - Important - Please read carefully

If you choose to host RSS feeds, images, etc, on repeatserver.com, then your account name is used to access your content over the Internet.  For example, if you called your account 'MyOrg' and created an RSS feed called News.xml, then Internet users or Repeat Signage presentations would access this with the address:


It is therefore important to choose this name carefully as it cannot be changed later.

Account name

If this is for home use then just put in your full name

Time zone

Your details
You will be the administrator for this account for your organisation.  You will be able to add other users to this account if required.  This is useful for giving other people access to perform tasks like updating a particular RSS feed for your organisation.  An example user name would be 'PaulF', 'Paul.Falcon', 'Bob', 'SueSmith', 'Carol', etc


First name

Last name

Email address


Terms and conditions

I agree not to host illegal or pornograghic content on RepeatServer.com.  I am responsible to make sure that any content I host is with permission of the copyright holder.  I understand that there is no charge for this account but that the operators of RepeatServer.com.com have the right to cancel my account if they feel this free service is being abused in any way.  I agree to the Terms of Use, Acceptable Use Policy and GDPR privacy policy.

To read how we use your information, see our GDPR privacy policy.

Cancelling accounts - Simply log into your account and then click on the 'Account' page.  There is an option to cancel the account.